Physics Electromagnetism

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  • Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society - ACES provides a forum for issues relevant to numerical modeling in applied electromagnetics.
  • Basic Electronics - Online book which covers topics from ohms law to digital circuits. Contains interactive troubleshooting simulations.
  • CdTe Gamma Detectors Equipped With Ohmic Contacts - Gamma induced currents in CdTe and CdZnTe semiconductor detectors equipped with ohmic contacts are not sensitive to hole trapping.
  • CEDRAT - Provides a fully integrated line of tools, products and services in electrical engineering.
  • Differential Forms in Electromagnetic Theory - The differential forms research group at BYU is investigating the use of the calculus of differential forms in teaching and research. Differential forms have been used to express Maxwell's laws since early in this century, but many of the advantages of forms as a tool for applied electromagnetics have only recently been discovered.
  • Electricity and Magnetism - An excerpt of a set of online course notes focusing on electricity and magnetism.
  • Electricity Fun - Fun projects demonstrating electrical principles. Great for kids!
  • Electrodynamics in Relativistic Notation - Describes Lorentz scalars, covariant and contravariant vectors and tensors, and how to use relativistic notation to describe charge conservation and the inhomogenous wave equation for potentials.
  • The Electromagnetic Field Tensor - A page of notes on advanced methods of electromagnetism
  • Electromagnetic Induction - A virtual experiment on creating electric current with a changing magnetic field.
  • Electromagnetic Inertia - Derivation and proof of the inertial properties of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields.
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum - A NASA site listing the various wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Electromagnetism - Authors' web pages for the textbook "Electromagnetism", by G. L. Pollack and D. R. Stump, published by Addison-Wesley.
  • Electromigration - Surface electromigration refers to the directed motion of atoms (adatoms) at solid surfaces, grain boundaries and interfaces which is caused by an electric current in the bulk of the material. It is considered a key factor determining the reliability of integrated circuits.
  • Electrostatics equations - Main equations and formulas of electrostatics.
  • EMCoS - Electromagnetic Consulting and Software - The company specializes in consulting on electromagnetic problems and in development of sophisticated software for electromagnetic simulations, as well as in data processing and visualization. Based in Tbilisi, Georgia.
  • Foresight - Exploiting the Electromagnetic Spectrum - The Foresight programme plans to take a broad view of the spectrum, from radio frequencies, through visible light, to x-ray, and its potential future exploitation.
  • Hovemere Ltd - Scientific instrument company specialising in Optical and Electronic Measurement Systems, UK.
  • How a Compass Works - Explanation of how compasses work and how to make your own, from How Stuff Works.
  • How a metal detector works - Interactive Java tutorial explaining the principles of electromagnetic induction.
  • How an Electromagnet Works - Explanation of principles and experiments, from How Stuff Works.
  • How Solar Cells Work - Principles of operation of silicon photovoltaic cells.
  • How Van de Graaff Generators Work - Description of Van de Graaff generators and static electricity, from How Stuff Works.
  • Is it Possible to Generate Electricity Directly from Heat? - A brief explanation from How Stuff Works.
  • Magnet Formulas - A small web site devoted to the vanishing art of practical magnet design without FEA, including field formulas for simple conductor configurations, air core solenoids and Helmholtz Coils.
  • Magnet University - Educational information on electromagnetism, permanent magnets, and the application of magnetic materials. The site is maintained by the company Rare-Earth Magnetics.
  • Maxwell's Equations - Description of Maxwell's equations.
  • Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves - An overview of Maxwell's Equations and how they determine the speed of light.
  • Motion in an Electromagnetic Field - A JAVA applet which allows the user to vary the magnetic and electric fields, and then launch a test particle and study its ( nonrelativistic ) motion.
  • Negative Permittivity and Permeability Material - The true "left handed" material is described. In this medium, light waves are expected to exhibit a reverse Doppler effect.
  • Nijmegen-Amsterdam High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML) - Research in very High Magnetic Field facility.
  • Paradoxes of Modern Electrodynamics - Provides analysis of some modern electrodynamics concepts including peculiarities and «white spots» in the model of an electromagnetic wave. The site is in English and Russian.
  • Properties of Magnetic Nanoscale Objects - Description of research at University of Cambridge, Nanoscale Science Laboratory.
  • Rail Gun - This page covers relevant techniques in electromagnetic propulsion, but the construction of a rail gun is a perilous undertaking so use the information contained herein at your own risk.
  • Science Ebooks Ezine - This site offers a variety of electronics and physics animations and visual aides for teachers or students.
  • Static Electricity Projects - Site devoted to projects utilizing static electricity (motors, generators) which are simple enough and can be relatively easily built.
  • Vacuum Tube Diode - A demonstration of how a vacuum tube diode works.
  • The Van de Graaff Generator Website - This site includes information on how Van de Graaff Generators work and instructions for building one. There are pictures of one built using these steps.
  • Visualizing Magnetic Fields: Numerical Equation Solvers in Action - A book (with CD) describing modeling and visualization of magnetic fields. Also described are the numerical algorithms used for solving the equations.
  • VRML Gallery of Electromagnetism - Visualization of the electromagnetic field.
  • - Images of magnets and their uses, experiments, a discussion board about magnet-related topics, and an elementary primer on magnetism and magnetic physics.
  • X-ray Optics and Microscopy at Stony Brook - Research describing use of coherent soft X-rays for optics experiments, including Fresnel zone plates, to produce the smallest focused spot of electromagnetic waves for studies of biological and materials science specimens.

    What is the electron spin?
    Electron spin is the electron's electromagnetic field angular momentum

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