
The electromagnetic field energy
of the electron



As we know, the electromagnetic field energy density is:




Thus the electron electromagnetic field energy is:




Combine equation (7.5) and (8.4), thus:








As we know:




And also:



















As we know, the electron mass is one of the basic properties of electrons. Where does the electron mass come from? One of the most popular theories is the electromagnetic origin of electron mass.


From the above equation (9.10), we get the electron’s electromagnetic energy; let us make an assumption here that the electron’s mass origin is from the electromagnetic field energy, thus:




In which U is the electron electromagnetic field energy, and  is the electron mass, then combine the equation (9.10) and (9.11), we can get








And we know that the Bohr radius is:








As we know, the value of fine structure constant is about:













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APEIRON Vol. 3 Nr. 1 January 1996




What is the electron spin?
ISBN 0-9743974-9-0
Copyright © 2003
Gengyun Li
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